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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to most common questions

What airlines can I fly?

We offer the current route Network of Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Australia. In addition, the historic operations of Virgin Atlantic, Virgin America, and Virgin Sun are available as well. To offer even more variation to the route network, we build Virgin Europe, a fictional airline that is based on Virgin Sun, but offers flights all around europe from Great Brittian and Germany.

Do I have to fly on VATSIM or IVAO?

While flying on VATSIM or IVAO is greatly encouraged, it is definitely not a requirement. But you can earn bonus points if you decide to fly online.

Which simulators are supported?

We support all commonly used Flight Simulators: X-Plane 11 and 12, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and Prepar3D

Are there any activity requirements?

There are no activity requirements at the moment, but if you plan to stop flying for some time, it is encouraged to request vacation on vamsys.

Got any more questions? Dont hesitate to ask:

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VRGN Virtual

©2024 von VRGN Virtual

We are in no way associated with the actual Virgin Group

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